Thursday, July 3, 2008

Excerpt #2: My Life on the Farm by Adie Petzoldt

In 1983, at the time of this memoir, Adie was 70 years old and living in Quincy, Illinois. Adie belonged to a senior writer's group there. The group learned about my newsletter and sent in some memoirs. (Looks like an error of some sort. She says she was born 2 and 1/2 years before Frieda (1/6/1912) thus Adie had to have been born in middle of 1909, seems to me. Subtracted from 1983 would have made her 74. I suspect that the memoir had been written four years before it was submitted to me. Anyway, if her recollections in this brief excerpt are of special interest to you, post a blog and I'll post the remainder of this memoir: The remaining 80%.)

On January 6, 1912, my sister Frieda was born when I was just over two and a half years old. There were now six children plus our two parents living in a two-room log cabin with an attic that had no outer wall or ceiling. All of us thought that life was great.
That winter, we had the largest snowfall that I can remember. It drifted up to the windows of the house, and my father and brothers shoveled paths from the house, through the yard, and through the barn lot to the barn, the feeding trough, and the food bins for the farm animals.

Read a memoir. Write a memoir. Post a memoir. Today is the best day of all.

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