Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Harrison Legend by GJ

Helping the legend…

In my last post about losing touch, I mention the “Presidential legend.” How did it grow to become a legend?

An ancestor, probably a great aunt, left a memoir that described the meeting between William Henry and Thomas Harrison. Because the former called the latter “cousin,” there arose descendants who wanted it to be true that they were really related. One such was my Dad’s sister, Aunt Vick.

In the 1930’s, 100 years later, many of the Harrisons (and those related by marriage) were in the habit of holding “family reunions,” usually on Decoration Day (now Memorial Day.) By that time, Aunt Vick had been elected as secretary of the reunion “committee.” Vicky took it upon herself, as was her custom, they say, to send out an additional invitation to President Harrison’s widow.

A memoir states that Mrs. Harrison did reply, at least for a while, in the earliest days. (This is not really likely if you do the math.) Vicky would always advocate that the relationship existed, and I can vaguely recall some debate among the men folks during my childhood.

If it is true that Mrs. Harrison was invited, it had to be by someone who came before Vicky. (Born in 1878.) Those reunions were certainly one means for families to keep in touch and were even more valuable because people wrote postcards and letters much more faithfully. That’s it! It is all the fault of people not writing any more! Eureka! I’ve solved it.” When you write, faithfully, you keep in touch! Wow. Is 2009 off to a great start, or what?

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