Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mea culpa by GJ

OK, I'm ready to plead guilty. In my ranting on the multiplication table, I was doing so without awareness of alternatives present today. I've heard from several people (who, thankfully, have been ever-so-polite about it) that such programs do exist. I'm glad. Why aren't these "winners" more available? Do FCAT's and NCLB's testing look like successes? Not to me. I met a new cashier at a local buffet recently, and he is GOOD. Knows how to make change, is quick with his facts, and a pleasure to deal with. (Keeps his line running smoothly.) If there are alternatives that eliminate the need for rote tables, somebody is keeping it a secret. Are a LOT OF KIDS being left behind because of "turf wars?" Are our educational institutions, K through PhD too fragmented? I fear for public education, I really do.

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