Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MORE on "the collection" by GJ

Two more memoirs from the early 1980's bring back fond memories. A lot is kind of vague, due to the passage of time and the aging process, but somehow I got the idea to publish a newsletter. My first idea was to publish one "for readers of westerns." This was inspired by the fact that both my brother, Chick, and my nephew, Chad, were quite taken with Louis L'Amour and his stories. But something happened on the way to the printer!

I began to doubt that such readers would really care about sharing views with other readers. They just want more westerns, I figured. But, I had a memoir about a covered wagon trip in the early 1900's that was more memoir than western! So, I started "Memoirs," the newsletter for people who like to share memoies. (Sort of a pioneer blog, eh?)

Two frequent contributors really helped the publication get off the ground. One was a woman who lived in a nearby suburb of Chicago, and the other was my cousin, Betty Neal. Today, I'm posting one memoir by each. Violet Perry was already in her early 90's when I met her. She got interested in writing due to a class she attended at a senior center. We had a couple of nice chats before I had to suspend "Memoirs" for financial reasons.

I will be posting more of the work by these and other "memoirists" in the near future. (Hey, did I coin a new term?)

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