Friday, September 5, 2008

Comment on a comment by GJ

Thank you, "Mrs." As I look back, I could have done so much more than I did. I always believed that a class was so much better without the teacher on "center stage." But finding ways to get in the back of the room was a terrible struggle. Down toward the end, I was given some "windows" to do just that, and the results were exciting. "Literature On Trial," where students played roles and interacted and got genuinely "involved" was a huge change that made it possible for kids of all propensities to have their shot to express themselves in roles that suited them. "Mock congress" class allowed me to act almost as a "court reporter," just like trials, above. At the end of the semester I could almost relive each of the 180 days! I can't tell you who was the "best student" for the semester, but I could sure tell you who was the best prosecutor, witness, bailiff, presider, speaker, etc., etc. I had the observations (and a lot of their quotes) on paper! Oh, yes, their long (20 to 35+ pages) reports were PROOF that they could write! They had something to write ABOUT!!! My conclusion: the wrong people are in control of public education.

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