Tuesday, August 12, 2008

GJ Asks: "May I Summarize?"

Dear Friend,

If you are 20 or under, you are young enough to be my great grandchildren. (I have six, now, and one in heaven. Her name is Ellie and she is sharing stickers with The Lord.) I would imagine that you are too young to care about such things as memoirs, and that's OK. On the other hand, maybe you'll get a small "feel" for history by browsing through these posts.

If you are 20 to 40, you are young enough to be my grandchildren. For years, now, you have been my favorite generation. (I have eight now, and two are in heaven, now. One is asking around to see if there is a golf course or bowling alley. He was a foot taller than everybody else in the family! The other is asking The Lord about some scriptures that always puzzled him. He and I spent a whole day one Christmas, trying to see how much weight a balloon could carry up to the ceiling.) I appeal to you to somehow get your grandparents to share their memories. There will come a time, trust me, when you will wish you had. Generally, I believe that the fewer regrets you have, the more pleasant will be your journey.

If you are 40 to 60, you are young enough to be my children. Many in your generation are close to my heart because of your interest in history. I beg you to ask your parents to share some memories, preferably in writing, but any old way will do. I know, first-hand, that you will have questions and regrets. Don't let that happen, please. Your inheritance will not be in tangibles...it will be in knowing your parents better...and that leads to far better understandings.

Love, Grandpa Jim.

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