Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another Road by Grandpa Jim

Looks like it's time to take another road, maybe. For one thing, I need to pay more attention to Jean. The hours I spend on blogging are pretty much the same hours she might profit most from my attention. Those hours, later in the day, when she is better occupied, are hours that I have trouble concentrating on my purpose...sharing memories.

I believe I'll quit the blog in a few days and go back to reading more. (I've neglected that for almost six months!) For now, I'm thinking of this coming Saturday as my last post. (Maybe I am influenced by all these claims of "change?" ) Until Saturday, Love, Jim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Dad, I for one, will miss your blog! But reading is a good thing too! I've been borrowing/swapping books for the last couple of years instead of buying them, but I broke down and bought a paperback the other day. $10.00 bucks which was a shock! Love you, Donna