Monday, December 22, 2008

Just a Christmas thought for today by GJ

According to a booklet I found, the month Jean was born, February, 1930, the first red and green traffic light was installed. (I’m not sure how that really pertains to Jean, but there it is.) In November of 1930, the first non-stop flight from NY to Panama occurred. (That’s of indirect, highly questionable importance to today, I guess.) For you sports fans, the Detroit Lions played their first NFL game and won it, 13 to 6. (Very mean thought for today= have they won, since?)

In international news for the year 1930, Constantinople was renamed Istanbul, Donald Duck made his screen debut, as did the Lone Ranger on radio, and Blondie in comic strips. Here’s a flash…frozen foods are sold commercially for the first time.

Back to the sports page... (heads up, Janeene…The Packers were pro football’s champions.) The Indy 500 was won at an incredible speed of 100. 4 MPH. Babe Ruth signed a Yankee contract for two years worth $160,000. Yankee General Manager Ed Barrow is quoted as saying, “No one will ever be paid more.”

Life expectancy in 1930 was 59.7 years, and Jean has been married almost two years more than that. Actually, she has been married for 78% of her life. When we celebrated our 17th, I told her she had been married 50% of her life. When we celebrated our 34th, I told her she had been married for 66 2/3rds of her life. She asked me, “When will I have been married for all of my life?"

The inventions for 1930 included: twinkies, sliced wonder bread, and Jean’s favorite, Snickers candy bars. Cost of Living in 1930…new house…$7,146. Average income…$39 per week…new car…$610. Average rent…$15 per month…Tuition at Harvard…$400 per year…movie ticket, 25 cents….gasoline…10 cents/ gallon…postage stamp…2 cents…milk 56 cents per GALLON…fresh ground hamburger…13 cents/ pound…fresh baked bread…9 cents/loaf.

All I can conclude is that I praise the Lord every day for the 78 years He has given to Jean.

1 comment:

Mrs said...

I love Snickers Candybars, and I love Jean's, "When will I be married all of my life?" :-D

My grandmother married my grandfather when she was only 16. When asked if she felt as if she'd been married her entire life, she replied, "Only the best part." Looks like Jean feels the same way!